Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Massacre, new paintings

The most recent series I’ve worked on are painted animal heads. That’s right, I’ve been doing portraits of dead game. What first attracted me to this idea was literally its name, ‘a massacre’, meaning a collection of hunting trophies. I’d like to fill a wall with these painted trophies making my own personal massacre, creating an installation as powerful as its name.

My goal in making these portraits is to instill presence and dignity to the beasts. I want to give them back a little something that was stolen when they were hunted down and killed. So far, I have only made three portraits as I’m back on jobs painting interiors but watch out, there are more to come!

J’ai fait des portraits de têtes d’animaux morts, du gibier en fait. J’adore l’expression ‘un massacre’ pour une collection de trophées de chasse. Je voudrais faire une installation de peintures de trophées.
Je trouve que ses têtes sont très dignes. Je voudrais qu’elles restent nobles.